I had neither the inclination nor the means to purchase a car, so I fit right in with the crowd. I met the typical Saigon crowd at this thing - the wealthiest folks I met that night was probably the pair who tired of checking out the cars, the models, the cocktail waitresses and instead were closely examining the HVAC controls of this new building. Just another night in Saigon. But the champagne was nice though.
For continued interesting tidbits about the expat experience in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, check out those on the blogroll, in particular:
- Kevin at SaigonNezumni - hurry before he becomes the test case as the first expat blogger arrested by Vietnamese authorities.
- Thirsty at his wordpress Thirsty Thongs - he promises to start up again after I leave.
- Preya at Dreaming of Hanoi / Preyanka - in Bangkok, Thailand and optimistic now that her guy, Obama, won.
- Liz at Stateless and Aimless - new at this blogging thing, also in Thailand but upcountry.
Tam Biet!